Listed below are the questions which have been raised either in meetings or have been posted to this web site. We have tried to answer the questions to the best of our knowledge, and included sources where applicable.

Also included here are issues which have been raised regarding both BT broadband and Satellite.

We have also grouped the questions into the following categories for easier reference.

Broadband Technology
Exchange Related

Broadband Technology

So, what is Broadband?
Broadband is a term used for fast internet access. Other terms which may be familiar are ADSL, Cable and Satellite.

What are the Benefits?
Broadband allows us to browse the web site, download music and video, play games with other internet users worldwide, send and receive e-mails with large attachments, video conferencing and much more. Although this technology is currently available with current dial-up internet access, the speed in accessing the internet is extremely slow. As a comparison, to download a 3 minute song using dial-up access will take approximately 10 minutes. Via broadband, it will take less than 1 minute.

BT Exchange Related

How come we talk about the Hemingbrough exchange when we live in Wressle?
It is the Hemingbrough exchange to which Wressle and other surrounding areas are connected to in the BT infrastructure. Therefore, if the Hemingbrough exchange is updated, this will enable Wressle and other surrounding areas to obtain broadband. (See related issue)

What other areas are covered by the Hemingbrough Exchange?
To date we have found that the following areas are connected to the Hemingbrough exchange:

Barmby on the Marsh

Source: availability checker

Is there more than 1 trigger level? We raise this because we had a representative from a satellite service provider and he implied that once the trigger was met, then you wait until you get confirmed orders prior to upgrading the exchange.
No, once the figure is reached then they upgrade the exchange. The only condition to this confirmation of no duplicate interest registrations.

Is there any possibility that our area could become a pilot site for wireless broadband?
No, all pilots have been completed.

What would BT do if the cabling into the village is inadequate? We have been told that this could be the case.
A future option is Wireless, but the technology is improving all the time, so they may not need to upgrade cables. There is currently a guide limit of 6KM from the exchange for the provision of broadband. If BT highway is available then it is likely that BT Broadband will also be available.

What happens in the case of split lines?
BT will invest a certain amount to upgrade shared lines (DW900). The likelihood is that there will be enough lines due to another cable being installed to provide service to new dwellings. BT has to comply with a Universal Service Commitment.

How can I obtain a list of villages that have their telephone service provided by the Hemingbrough exchange?
Yellow pages – type in the numbers of the pubs/post offices in the village, and it will identify if the village is serviced by Hemingbrough.

This exercise has been done – click here for the list of villages.


How do we get Satellite?
To sign up for the service, you can register at

How much does the service cost?
There is a one-off connection fee of £149.00. This included the configuration, hardware and necessary cabling.

There is then a monthly subscription fee of between £29.99 and £39.99 depending on usage, private/business and location.

What is the speed/bandwidth of Satellite?
The speed is dependent upon the number of people signed up for the service:

10-14 people – 512kbps download and 128kbps upload
15-19 people – 1Mbps download and 256kbps upload
20+ people – 2Mbps download and 512kbps upload

The monthly charge remains the same irregardless of speeds.

What equipment is required for Satellite?
In order for the satellite to work it require:

1. A dish to be placed in a suitable location within the village. This will act as the access point.

2. Your own personal dish placed on your house. This is approximately 6” x 6” and white. Normally placed on the chimney.

How long is the contract?
You will have to sign up for the contract for 12 months.

Does satellite work off micro waves? There is a concern over the addition of microwaves in the village passing from the access point to the dishes on people’s homes?

No, satellite works on Radio Waves. They transmit approx. 5% of other devices such as mobile phones. Ehotspot has informed us that there is no health risks associated with satellite.


The table below shows some comparisons of prices from different providers:

SPEED Requires the Upgrade to Exchange  
Download Upload BT Freeserve Tiscali AOL Satellite
150kbps   N/A   15.99 N/A N/A
512kpps   27.00 15.99* 19.99 27.99 29.99
1Mbps   38.00 Unknown N/A 34.99 29.99
2Mbps   N/A Unknown N/A N/A 29.99

Note: Prices obtained from web sites at time of table creation – 7th April 2004 – all GBP and monthly tariffs.
Note: Prices based on residential usage only – business usage may cost more

* - for first 3 months only -

Satellite is a fixed monthly tariff. The speed is dependent upon the number of people signing up:

10-14 people – 512kbps download and 128kbps upload
15-19 people – 1Mbps download and 256kbps upload
20+ people – 2Mbps download and 512kbps upload